good stuff. Nice little story, some really good acting and camera work and...is that a guitar bong?!
good stuff. Nice little story, some really good acting and camera work and...is that a guitar bong?!
Better than the others in this series
still that isnt saying much (in my opinion that this series is pretty yawntastic). The fighting scenes were good and help moved this along though you ended rather abruptly. I suggest having some sort of twist at the end in future...something to leave the audience in question of what will happen next time, whereas now we know next time there will be some more tournament and that evil guy will do some evil stuff. Also i think maybe you should take out the stat section at the bottom of fights, i know its part of the authenticism but its distracting...and you should have less text you need to click and make the text bigger and easier to read.
Thats all from me (...awaits immature name-calling.)
Umm ok? People enjoy the hp mp status, and like you said story is the most important thing in a flash so thats what I have. Dunno if you noticed but i unco-authored you on the Time trials :). Just because you piss me off, so there ya go :). Thanks for the review.
Cant think of anything protuctive to say (nor anything funny due to the overall lack of humor brought on by this) so heres some scores
scores out of 5:
SquareHard: 3 (not bad at all)
TootBook: 1 (ugh...dont ever try to be funny again)
HAcoreRD: 4 (hehe...lollipops!)
Xanadu32: 4 (very funny)
luigi_dude: 2 (not funny enough, crappy text/textboxes)
and uh....yeah cool.
heh nice stuff
Text could be a bit bigger and wasnt very funny but it was imaginitive, clever and well animated.
In the Factory was that from a game or were those custom made?
I was gonna vote a 3 but then you went and sang me Happy Birthday (and its actually my birthday) so an extra point to you!
that movie was a clagnor!
Some sound problems, whole music video thing once again.
But looks good and its cool and it looks good and you cant spell. yay!
A big 10 for violence because of how violently the factory owners hand shakes.
yayzor! now stop foolin around with school projects and get back to work! err
Where is Tyler Durden?
ok that was....misguided. First off, the music didnt fit the theme at all...neither Jay-Z or Linkin Park will ever fit Fight Club. Secondly the whole movie was rather pointless...sorta like you were screaming "OMG!1 I L¢¾VE FIGHT CLUB!!shift+11".
The art was good but could used more movement (hence wgy i called it 'art' and not 'animation')
Anyways heres an idea for the future if you feel the need to make another Fight Club themed movie...if youve read the book (which i sadly doubt) maybe try making a scene which wasnt included in the movie.
1 good 1 great 2 boring
Gamma you owned SO much. It was funny, great music, great sprites...just owned all over the place.
2nd place goes to Square for not soooo much talking as the others and the variation of Link being involved (and the irony that its a Link sprite based off of Megaman).
The other 2 were boring talk sections followed by boring action sections followed again by more boring talking.
Also those whod like to join The Sprite Time Trials#3: Earthbound Edition goto Flash section of the Newgrounds BBS. Posted by meZor.
Well look who it is!! Mr think his flash is the best but it really wasnt from the goomab time trial who was a late entry cuz i got grounded! Hiya. So my fight scences are "boring" eh? Hmm you shouldnt be so cocky ok? The them of the time trial was an EPIC battle so kow ya facts b4 ya post. moron.
Hope to see u in the next Time trial!
very, very, very good
You did a really good job....but you already know that.
Best i liked about this movie was ZERO talking in text or voice, that made this serious movie feel all the more serious...too serious to explain whats going on to the viewer (and though there are questions flying about what the heck was going on im sure you'll answer those in the follow up). One thing though about the movie is that the whole ripping the babies head off was a bit extreme.....actually no, the extremeness isnt what was wrong with it, the unbeleivability and humor of that unbelievabilty made that wrong (i laughed at a poor little baby toad's head being ripped off).
Whats left is a great movie and one huge problem you need to deal with. The stupid bars at the top and bottom of the movie are way too distracting. Make it darker, make it smaller...or just get rid of it.
Age 39, Male
Joined on 5/11/01