Age 39, Male
Joined on 5/11/01
You know you love how you can't beat Ghouls 'n Ghosts!
I already said Makai Mura, dude!
fat monkey butt
medal whores must be like : O.o
I can't even beat Ballos in Cave Story, and getting there takes me about ten minutes. I'd never be able to beat it in four.
I got to the first green platform in Lastman lol
but i got the last the ending now i just can't get the normal ending :(/
2 things on NG sucks so much. 1: You 2:This Game
I didn't like this came not because it was hard but because it was boring
I'm sorry to say but like your other work this was just boring and it wasn't hard just boring
Ok it's not hard. >_>
It only got down-voted because of the 1 in 5 ads, other than that it IS a great little 8-bit piece of nostalgia. %u2665%u2665
great game.
Kinda annoying, but great.
seriously you cant just swap out quality with the level of difficulty. at least cave story was fun
some people have fun covering themselves in poo you know?
of course you know. you enjoy scat. that is how you define fun.
I thought the hardest game was OCD+
You were wrong.
lastman is to cavestory as linkin park is to frank sinatra
Theyre both rappers.
or maybe its because the controls try too much to be like the original mario, where after you run you can jump further, and completely take that idea and fuck it up so much that the game loses its fun and not worth my time playing
damm i have ghost n goblins (makai mura), and ive only reached lvl 2, damm NES games u cant save, ninja gaiden 2 (the NES one) is also hard
Why it has such a bad score i will never know.
The graphics are good and controls are alright their are far worse games with higher scores, example OCD+
I have gotten the best ending of Cave Story, though!
But Lastman has me crying after two minutes.
there, there
If people don't enjoy the game they're going to vote low.
People are voting low because they think it's a bad game. I know the point of it was to be hard but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable. There's very little fun to be had in running into 5 times before you get the hang of the extremely unresponsive jump mechanic.
unresponsive how? you click, he jumps.
By god, that was the best game i've ever seen.