I'd like to tell you a story all about how i became a Scientologist.
I grew up in America and had been on psychiatric drugs for as long as i could remember.
One day, loitering at the local Kroger's supermarket with a friend, out front was a Scientologist free testing table. With nothing to do we took it for a laugh. My friend being of stable mind just took the thing as a joke and thought nothing of it, but me with my emotional issues felt profoundly affected by what me and the tests administrator spoke about. The echoing of the thoughts inside me of psychiatry's failings, the promise of hope in a spirituality i could be fooled to believing in.
It cost money to be a part of Scientology, yet i managed to make myself a part of it. My Mother got angry that i had stolen from her, then she got scared when she saw what i was using it for. She said 'Youre moving with your Auntie and Uncle to Bel-Air'. The plane landed and when i got out. There was a guy, looked like a cop, standin there with my name out. I aint tryin to get arrested yet i just got here. I sprang with the quickness like lightning disappeared. I whistled for a cab and when it came near.The license plate said 'fresh' and had a dice in the mirror. If anything i could say that this cab was weird. But i thought 'nah forget it, yo home to Bel-Air'. I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8. And i yelled to the cabbie ' Yo holmes smell ya later'. I looked at my kingdom i was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
And now, living here in Bel-Air, without the drugs and without the words of Scientology ive become an emotionally stable person. The reason Scientology hate psychiatrists so much is because theyre fighting for the same customers. Everyone needs to know that theres no quick fixes to your problems. You cant just buy the answer. Both Scientology and Psychiatry squeeze money out of the damaged with promises of quick fixes and false hope.
The world would be greater without them and i commend Anonymous for fighting to make this world a better place.
Thank you and Candlejack.
TL;DR post, fuck yeah.
I went to the Scientology raid here in Sydney today, it was a fun experience.
From where i live it was an hour long train ride into the city and because of it i arrived at the meeting place just moments before the march.
We marched from Hyde Park to the Scientology center. Along the way i was given my complimentary name tag which just so happened to be 9111 GET! The nametags started from 9001 of course. Along the way we chanted 'What do we want? MUDKIPS! When do we want em? NOW!'. As you can imagine this greatly confused people looking for the nearby Chinese New Year Parade.
We arrived in the police enclaved (lol big word) street where the center resided and began our long struggle to come up with lulzy chants and play it up for the News Cameras (a tough thing to do while Scifags film us and type ominously into their laptop from the overseeing windows).
There were many un-lulzy chants but luckily there were some good ones such as; 'Xenu! FUCK YEAH!', 'FAIL!', 'Braaaaaainwaaaaaaaaaaash', 'What do we want? MUDKIPS! When do we want em? NOW!' and a Birthday Song to Lisa (get out bart im piss!).
I proudly started a chant of 'G-T-F-O', which is a slightly better feeling than making a successful thread on a chan (not by much really).
The people were majority Anon's with a few crazy hippies for good measure. Of course the local Fox-esque News Team, Channel Ten, went straight for the crazy female hippy to completely misrepresent the majority.... luckily we were 'Xenu! FUCK YEAH!'ing through a large portion of it (i was shouting 'FUCK YEAH' nice and loud towards the boom). Also i came in mid-hippy answer and dead panned to the camera 'My penis is huge.' and calmly walked away.
One guy who was filming us was clearly a SciSpy due to his; unfalling fake smile, big rimmed sunglasses, claimed to work for Channel Nine but only had a little camcorder. He was promptly Zerg Rushed.
Then we broke for lunch.
We marched off toward the nearby McDonalds chanting 'B-R-B-LUNCH!' and 'B-B-L LUNCH!'. Im not a big fan of McDonald's so i promptly stated 'THE BURGERS ARE BETTER AT HUNGRY JACKS!' (Non-Australians: Hungry Jacks is the AUS name for Burger King and that is there advertising slogan). Upon seeing the huge line up of people at McDonalds (from the New Years parade) everyone else echoed my statement and marched to the Hungry Jacks around the corner.
I gots a whopper and a soda. :3
Most people went back with there food but im not one to walk and eat so i stuck around at Hungry Jacks to finish my meal, take a piss and refill my drink. Walking out some other Anon had stuck around and were handing out flyers and arguing with some Earthbound-like Skatepunks. Their leader looked like a male version of chin-chan!
I made my way back to the protest which was significantly smaller after lunch.
There some drawfags started up a picture of Longcat while everyone else stood around trying to think of something good to chant while one of the crazy hippies yelled stuff about the inner workings of Scientology into a Megaphone that i could barely make out from just a few metres away. A Scientology member made his way over to one side of the people and filmed a bit and quickly got into an argument about his 'right to believe what i want', he ran off shortly after obviously feeling outnumbered and some anon took after him...i dont know what happened but they either A) caught him and lynched him or more likely B) gave up and sat down for a breather.... no stamina with all those Thetans weighing us down.
It was getting to be time to end it so everyone gathered around the drawfags' Longcat and we wrote down our names for all to see.
Names such as; Richard C. Mongler, Bill Kaulitz, Gregory House, etc. I signed 'NIGRA'.
We counted down the seconds as our Permit to protest ran out and sprang with the quickness, like lightning, and disappeared.
Overall i'd have to say it was a pretty good show and a pretty good turnout too considering Anonymous' previous IRL raid attempts.
You can see all the pics i bothered to resize hyah.
AND DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!