Now i dont give away 5's often but this was well deserved.
Youve taken the Madness Interactive concept and excelled it, the Control scheme is far more accessible in this, the added platform element (Madness was one single flat plain) helps this alot, and of course Madness had that huge invisible aiming problem which made it hard to play. The little extra things give the game a really special feeling aswell (shooting out lights, bullet casings dropping and obeying physics, etc). Whatever you make next with this engine im sure will be awesome too.
Things to work on would be: Enemy AI-they need to be quicker, more responsive on your arrival, and in darkness unable to know where you are except by "sound" or with nightvision, and id like alot more in the way of enemy hordes (like in the elevator).
More Enviroment Stuff-Not a nesseccity (you already have all the neccessities and then some) but for more enviroment interaction and those things affecting the characters (like the light example above). Aswell as pickupable objects for melee fighting (pick up a dead body and knock the shit out of people with it?).
Awesome Stuff. I await the next.