[A friend has helped me out with my troubles.]
Age 39, Male
Joined on 5/11/01
are you trolling us?
lol (((((((((:
Oh boy, I sure do love using Flash 8.
I wish I could actually help because troll game is shaping up to be good.
Ill help. But I have Flash cS4 ... PM me if it's cool ;)
Here you go dude. Just for futurethoughs.. here is the way of going about. Get a copy of SWF decompiler and decompile the swf file of the version you have. Then user the "Export to FLA" and choose from versions MX to Cs4 (or is it cs3, cant remember) .
So here's your file : <a href="http://www.sendspace.com/file/jg6jae">http://www.sendspace.com/file/jg6jae</a>
Thanks but it's screwed it up a lot and lost everything in the library.
Do yourself a favor and get on the TPB and get Flash CS3 or CS4. Seriously
I've had both.....they're not very good.
I use Flash 8 :)
I love you baby.
Love you too, random stranger.
CS4 :(
haha wow flash mx was my default flash program
i deleted it a while back though sorry
ok thats it.....theres so few people using the BEST version of flash (unless youre making a game) i will upload it for people!
I use 8
Do you love to play Super Mario Brothers on the Classic Nintendo System? Do you like to get tagged from behind while you do it? This is the post for you then.
You must know your way around the game before we meet, must be open to anal sex, also able to fake an orgasm is a plus.
I will send you the address to a hotel and a room number. When you arrive the door will be open. Please come in close and lock the door and close the shades if they are still open. I will be in the bathroom and the door will be closed. Turn on the TV and the Nintendo. Remove all of your clothing. Turn off all lights in the room and kneel down on the bed so you are directly in the light of the TV. You need to be facing the TV with your butt in the air pointed toward the pillows on the bed.
Press the start button on the controller when you are ready. I will hear the sound and turn the light off in the bathroom and come out. You will not look directly at me, only look at the TV. When the first level starts I will begin to finger you and lick you. I will be using lots of lube as well.
When you reach the end of level one, make sure to trigger the fireworks. This is vital to the entire experience. I must hear the fireworks. When level 2 begins and Mario walks into the pipe, I will penetrate you. You may say things like, "MORE", "HARDER", "YES", "FUCK ME", but nothing else. I will continue having sex until the level ends. DO NOT take the secret level skip. If you die I will pull out and spank you until the level restarts.
When you reach the flag you must again trigger the fireworks, and also orgasm. I will pull out. When the 1-3 starts I will penetrate your ass. You are allowed to say something like "OH GOD", "YES", OR "IT HURTS" no other conversation is allowed.
When level 1-4 starts I will alternate between holes as I see fit. You may beg me to cum inside or outside of you, depending on what you want. When boss falls and you reach the princess I will pull out and blow my load where you have convinced me I want too. You may then say something like "Thanks", "It was great", "I loved it", "Don't stop"
If I am impressed you may continue playing and I will continue to pleasure you. If I am not, I will turn the Nintendo Off and return to the bathroom. At this time you may clean your self with the towel that is beside the bed. Turn the lights on, redress yourself and leave.
I may come back out and talk to you as you dress but the conversation will most likely be short and revolve around scheduling another time to get together.
8 is the exact same but with filters.
The smoothing effect on the paintbrush and pencil tools act different;y, the color mixer is larger in mx, 8 encroaches on drawing space with file tabs, mx is less memory intensive and as such runs faster (in the same manner that 8 is faster than cs4), the library folder system works more intuitvely in mx than following versions (which led to many collab people requesting contributors name every clip they made.....even though it's possible in every version of flash to have multiple duplicate named clips held in the same file with the use of folders...versions after mx were less intuitive about this and people were led to believe it was no longer possible).
TLDR; It's just 8 without the stupid filters....and i hear Dan Paladin uses it to make his Hominids and Crashers.
Oh....my...god...this for real?
Oh....my...god...this for real?
You need to delete this news post ASAP. If you don't, I'll wipe out all your posts. This posting is illegal if you didn't know.
this the demo or the full???
I haven't got mx or 2004 sorry but I have it on disc
if you don't get anyone else to help you send me a message